“Dear Zindagi” – Bollywood Film Of The Year Or Another 2016 Disappointment

“We should be optimistic about the prospect of Dear Zindagi not only ending Bollywood’s losing streak this year but also the possibility of it being an all-time great on par with its director’s past effort, English Vinglish” It’s safe to say… Continue Reading

Priyanka’s Tacky T-Shirt & The Callousness of The Bollywood Bourgeoisie

Deepika Padukone once cried crocodile tears when film journalist, Rajeev Masand, asked why Bollywood stars rarely take a stance on the country or the world’s social ills. “Bollywood is always crucified, for no reason!” she snapped back. Crucifixion might be… Continue Reading

Is Sonam Jumping On The Hollywood Bandwagon Or Has That Door Always Been Open For Bollywood Stars?

Sonam Kapoor has reportedly been signed to United Talent Agency, a powerful literary and talent agency whose clients are a who’s who of the Hollywood creme de la creme including Angelina Jolie, Kanye West and Johnny Depp. To many people,… Continue Reading

Popular Egyptian Film Pays Homage To Bollywood And India Albeit In A Totally Misleading Way

Jaheem Fil Hind (Hell In India), Egypt’s big summer blockbuster, sees a band of bumbling musicians wrongfully selected by the Egyptian government  to rescue the abducted Egyptian ambassador of India and his family from an evil criminal billionaire. They are… Continue Reading

Why Women Should Worry That Parineeti Is Not All About That Bass Anymore

Though established in 1996, it’s only been in recent years that the world has seen and recognized the rise of the Body Positive movement. We see it in in everything from popular TV shows such as Glee to voluptuous singer, Meghan… Continue Reading

Why I Suspect PK will be a Major Hit in Japan

PK, the provocative Aamir Khan film that harbored a potent anti-organized religion message, conjured up multiple shit storms everywhere it played in India but industry analysts should predict positive yields during its Japanese box office run this October. The Bollywood… Continue Reading

Don’t Worry India, The American Film Rating System Is Way More Fucked Up

When rumors were making the rounds that India’s Central Board of Film Certification issued a non-permit for the release of Udta Punjab, citing “excessive swearing, abusive language and drug consumption” as the reason, many Indians on the Twittersphere went berserk.… Continue Reading