Masaba Gupta’s Problematic Shoot In Kashmir

I have yet to finish an episode of the yuppie drivel that is Masaba Masaba, a show with as much depth and substance as a TikTok video.

The show is the absolute worst. But I digress.

Stand with Kashmir, an independent, Kashmiri-driven grassroots movement, posted a scathing letter to Masaba Gupta and her show-runners. In the letter, they expressed anger and concern about the fashion designer/actress and her show-runners for their whitewashing of the despondent situation in Kashmir.

As someone who has seen firsthand the deplorable socioeconomic conditions that Kashmiris live under, I feel nothing but a great deal of sympathy for them.

After reading the letter, I mustered the strength and patience to see the concerned episode and it was the exact kind of sugarcoated Kashmir fluff that I’ve come accustomed to from Bollywood. Rather than show even a smidgen of the ugly truth about the current situation in Kashmir, the episode focuses solely on the fashion designer having an existential crisis with her chocolate beau, Armaan Khera, while they’re frolicking in Kashmir’s famous sprawling landscapes.

Some people’s lack of self-awareness and sensitivity is breathtaking honestly.


Bollywood Over Hollywood

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